Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Independence Day

Independence Day was, in a word, exhausting. After a stormy night that included torrential rains and hurricane force winds, we were up early to prepare for the 4th of July parade in Edmond and returned home at 11pm after closing out the day with a spectacular fireworks show.

I've always liked fireworks shows. Our 2 year old Clark has already learned to 'ooh' and 'ahh' at the appropriate times during the show. What kids don't like bright lights and loud noises. The picnics are always good too. This year we feasted on fried chicken, beans, deviled eggs, cole slaw, fresh fruit - even cake and ice cream for my birthday. What about the watermelon? In my opinion it never tastes better than on a hot, sunny summer afternoon. But I think my favorite part about our Independance Day activities is the parade. Part of our tradition is to pick up 2 dozen doughnuts, take a thermos of coffee, sit at our usual spot on the parade route and eat our breakfast while we wait for the parade to begin. We could stop right there and that would be a pretty good day. When it is finally time to begin, 2 of Edmond's finest motorcycle police officers lead the way followed by several police cars, fire trucks, marching bands, boy scouts carrying a giant flag. The mayor of Edmond, our US Representative, and the police chief all ride by and wave. Several local businesses get into the act as well such banks, sign companies, dentists, pet clinics. As the Edmond Electric truck drove by I smiled knowing that an OG&E hat set atop my head and that the men in orange could work circles around those yahoos from Edmond. The kids from boys town ride their horses, bringing much delight to my horse-loving children. The shriners, oh the shriners, they might need an enitre blog to themselves. Old time cars chugged along and old-timers drove their tractors decorated with streamers and ribbons and with flags proudly flying. Some looked like they were just taking and break and would drive straight back to their fields from the parade. Bands from the local high schools marched with their flag corps leading the way, reminding me of my niece Kirstyn who spent many hours working on flag routines. I couldn't keep track of all the pageant winners from Miss UCO to Miss Teen Oklahoma to the Rush Springs Watermelon Queen, but they all had the crown, the sash and the wave .

Those things are all great, the kids love it and I get lots fo video tape to commemerate the occasion. But the reason I go and what makes it special to me are the floats and cars and buses that come by carrying our veterans. In the five years we have been going to the Edmond LibertyFest parade I don't think I have one minute of video tape of soldiers or veterans, because when they come by I set down my camera, I stand up with my wife and children and with our heads held up high we clap for the men and women who bravely served our country. It seems like such a small thing to do for someone who put their life on the line for the freedon and independence that we celebrate that day, but I think it is extremely important that we show our appreciation to these courageous people. It was an exhausting day for me, but at no time did I come under enemy fire. I was hot in my shorts and t-shirt, but the temperature in Baghdad yesterday reached the mid 120's and they wear long pants and long sleeve shirts, kevlar vests, gloves, and boots. I spent the entire day with my children, watching their faces as they took in the sights of the day, squirting each other with water guns, riding in a neighborhood parade while all the soldiers have to cling to is a picture of their family probably wrinkled and faded from being carried with them every where they go. It was an exhausting day, but when it was over I laid down in my bed, next to my wife, and slept soundly having fully celebrated and appreciated being an American

I hope sometime during your Independence Day activities, and every day for that matter, you stop and remember that our freedoms don't come free. May God bless all of those who have served and those who continue to serve this great land of ours and God bless America!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I salute veterans with my applause, smile or respect, I cannot help but think of all the ones who never made it back home. The people who serve our country in the military are exactly the people we need home to shape our future….they are people who accept great challenge, regardless of the danger or the personal price, in the spirit of sacrifice and love for this country. They commit themselves to the greater good.
How much better would our America be, if the very people who possess that kind of commitment were alive and giving themselves daily, making a difference? I believe that a snowball effect of a difference would be made, not only through their own actions but the actions of their children, who learned from example, and of their communities who shared their attitude and put it to action.
A soldier is a special person whose life and commitment should never, ever be taken as “collateral”. It is my fervent prayer that the leaders of this country keep that in mind when sending our men and women into harm’s way…is the goal worth the potential loss? Is the reason for war truly just, or is it just a reason? Is the end result truly worth the cost to the greater good of our country?
God Bless America and all who love this country.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad and I reacted the same way when the servicemen, including the veterans, passed by. We waved and clapped and felt all mushy inside.
Thanks for your moving commentary.

A big "good grief"! to Kerry.


2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...well it goes without saying that I appreciated Blair's recap of his day with my precious niece and nephew and niece-to-be...and his heartfelt tribute to our veterans....I just wanted to remember that the cost of freedom includes those who never came home to the parades...and how their families must see a gaping hole where their soldier should be marching along to the waves and applause. I thank God every day that my loved ones are safely away from war zones.

9:27 AM  

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