Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Thursday, July 14, 2005

All in a Day's Work

I don't particularly like my job. I know that's not a lovely thought, but bear with me. I'm sure there are people who really enjoy what they do, and they look forward to waking up every morning so that they can go do it. Not me. That's ok with me though. I've never really thought that work was supposed to be enjoyable. If it were fun it wouldn't be called work; it would be play. Anyway, the great thing about going to work everyday is getting to come home. When I leave in the morning I make the rounds and make sure I get hugs and kisses from everyone. I usually kiss Ryleigh, then Clark, and Andrea last. If I go out of order and Clark doesn't see me kiss my lovely wife good-bye, he will scold me, in Clark speak - "Daddy, mama, nguh guh". That last part is his wild card word that means anything that he doesn't know the word for .... and horses. Once I've made the rounds kissing everyone, sorta like the old host of Family Feud, I am serenaded to the door with "bye, bye daddy, bye bye daddy". That doesn't make leaving any easier, but I leave with a smile and a lasting image of my sweet children.

Oh but coming home is great. I walk into the door and automatically I'm greeted with loud shouts of "DADDY!" Ryleigh continues to chant "daddy's home, daddy's home" while Clark rushes to greet me with a great big hug around my legs. I pat him on the back and before I can set down my keys and the mail it's "daddy, go" and I have to follow wherever he leads me. Tonight, he met me in the kitchen and, after our usual greeting, he starting saying "patty take, patty take, patty take" and clapping his hands. I was distracted by Andrea and Ryleigh talking to me at the same time, but he continued "patty take, patty take, patty take" clapping his hands and looking up at me with his big brown eyes. "Patty take, patty take, patty take", man he's persistent, "patty take, patty take". Finally I squat down and say "patty cake, patty cake baker's man". He is smiling widely and clapping along, "bake me a cake as fast as you can, roll, pat it and mark it with a B", with emphasis on the B, "and throw it in the oven for BABY and me". He claps and goes off and does whatever he was doing before, and just like that I've quickly forgotten about whatever I did at whatever that place is that I work.

Well that's all for now. It's late, and I need a good night's rest so that I can come home from work tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day.


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