Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Monday, December 19, 2005

Winter in Oklahoma

We woke up this morning to see a dusting of snow on the ground and snow still falling from the sky. Ryleigh was especially excited to see the snow so I decided that I would take the morning off from work to play with the kids in the snow. We fed the kids a nice warm breakfast and played inside for a few minutes to let the food settle. Then Andrea bundled the kids in their snow pants and boots, their warm coats, mittens and scarves. I climbed up into the attic to get the sled. By the time we made it outside to play, the snow had melted off of our driveway. Luckily a few of our neighbors still had enough snow in their driveways to provide a slick enough surface for the sled. It was pitiful amount of snow. There's usually more frost on the juice glasses at a Horst family big breakfast than was on our street, but we made the most of it. I pulled Ryleigh around for a while, and she made some marble-sized snow balls to throw at me. She eventually got bored and went inside to tend to her baby sister.

After we used up all of the snow on the driveways, I pulled Clark around our front yard. He's so cute. The whole time I was pulling him he was singing "Jingle Bells" over and over, especially the line "oh what fun it is to ride in a one Horst open sleigh!" I would pull him around to the top of the yard, then run down to the bottom. "Do it aden (again) daddy". Over and over singing and smiling a rosy-cheeked smile. When I was worn out I coaxed him inside by offering him hot chocolate.

It was a struggle getting Ryleigh to school, because she is ready to be on Christmas break. I didn't really want to go to work either, but I dropped her off on my way. Usually we have a short week leading up to Christmas, but because Christmas in on Sunday we have work all week. Man it is hard to stay focused. Christmas is for celebrating and fun and playing in the snow, not going to work. Sometimes it's hard to be a grown up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like being there when you describe in such detail the fun you had in the mini-snow day.
Especially enjoyed the comment about the frosty juice glasses.
How I LOVE being on the receiving end of my boys' blogsites.


9:04 AM  

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