Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Monday, January 30, 2006

Boys and Girls

Millions of dollars have been spent studying the difference between boys and girls. Without spending much money I have a few observations from the past weekend. We went out to eat after church on Sunday. Ryleigh sat nicely in her chair and ate, Clark could not stay in his chair and eventually ended up on the floor eating whatever scraps he could get to his mouth before his mother or I stopped him.

After lunch we went outside to play. Ryleigh had me distract the dog so that she could run past him and get to the swing. Clark threw toys for the dog, threw toys at the dog, and when the dog was happily laying in the grass Clark grabbed onto his tail and started to pull. When he was done harrassing the dog, Clark ran around the yard, plopped down and rolled around in the grass. All this time, Ryleigh was swinging.

Then we went to the front yard. They wanted to dig in the flower bed. Ryleigh got a small bucket, filled it with dirt, and dumped it out to make a castle. She decorated her castle with twigs, grass and different colored leaves. Clark dug in the dirt, ate the dirt, and when Ryleigh wasn't paying attention he stomped his foot right in the middle of her castle.

Another one of Clark's new tricks is to fill your car with toys when you leave a door unlocked. No one knows why he does it, but this morning when I left for work I had to unload 2 bicycyle helmets, a bucket of sidewalk chalk, a small plastic car and a rake I think. Of course he put the bucket and the chalk in my car separately so everything he touched is covered with chalk dust. When it doesn't make you crazy, you have to laugh. Obviously part of the difference is due to their difference in age, but many of the things Clark does Ryleigh never did. Everyday is an adventure, and if I had a computer and a camera with me at all times oh the stories I could tell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I had to laugh out loud. I can remember a time before you had Clark... you used to watch my boys like they were wild heathans. Now you know......they're different. Wouldn't life be so boring if they weren't?!

Keep your car doors locked!


7:19 PM  

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