Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Friday, March 31, 2006

A Tribute to Being Cheap

Last Saturday my lovely wife needed me to get the kids out of the house so that she could get some things done. We knew that Michaels craft supply store was having a kids day with various crafts and activities so I planned on taking Clark and Ryleigh to investigate. As soon as we got in the car I turned on the radio and scanned a few stations to see if any of them were on remote somewhere near by with free food and drinks.

As luck would have it, KXY was advertising from an ATT/Cingular store not far from Michaels. We stopped there first to see what they had. Of course they love to see kids, so Ryleigh and Clark each got some pens, a small squishy basketball and a bottle of water each while I entered some drawings for a free phone and some concert tickets. It was close to time to draw for the prizes so we stuck around for a few minutes, and lo and behold I won a new phone that takes pictures and plays music!

We went on to Michaels from there. Not only were they doing crafts inside the store, but outside were our local firemen and their trucks, someone dressed as a giant Sonic slush handing out coupons, and someone dressed as a cow handing out Chick-fil-a coupons. We talked to the firefighters whose station just happens to be at the entrance to our neighborhood, and the kids took turns sitting in the fire truck. We gathered all the coupons we could and headed inside for the 3 craft tables that were set up. At the first station Clark painted a turtle figure and Ryleigh painted a seahorse, at the 2nd they made puppets with wooden sticks and stickers, and at the 3rd they made a necklace. From there we went on a treasure hunt around the store to claim our final prize - 2 new Color Wonder markers. We grabbed 2 balloons on our way out the store and headed for home.

When we left the house we passed by a neighborhood that looked like they were having some sort of celebration, but we couldn't tell if it was public or private. On our way back home we stopped by to find out. D.R. Horton, a new home builder in town, was trying to get people interested in building a home in this new neighborhood and to attract people they had a moon bounce, hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the fixins. We didn't buy a house, but I bet we spent an hour there eating and playing. The kids had a blast and I had a free lunch. We gather our free frisbies and coozies and headed for home.

In summary:

1 cell phone, 3 squishy basketballs, 3 pens,
2 bottled waters and 1 Sprite ......................retail value $215.00

2 ceramic figures, assorted fast food coupons,
craft supplies, 2 markers, 2 balloons, .............retail value $ 22.00

2 hamburgers, 2 hot dogs, 3 bags of chips, 2 sodas,
2 bottled waters, 3 frisbees, 2 coozies ............retail value $ 28.00

Spending the afternoon entertaining your kids
without spending a dime......................................Priceless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only you, Blair, only you!

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie said just what I was thinking.
Only, you, Blair or maybe only you
and Andrea.
Thanks for a great chuckle.
P.S. You are a great dad.


4:42 PM  

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