Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Friday, July 28, 2006

Where is Ryree?

(I originally starting writing this in late July, but it was never published.) This is a big week for Ryleigh. Andrea and I agreed to let her go with Grandma Susie and GrandPaul to Pepa's house for the week without her parents. Just the idea of letting her travel with someone else makes me nervous. She left Tuesday and I was sure Wednesday we would be getting a call that she was homesick and ready to come home. I had myself prepared, and I was almost eager for her to call for me to come pick her up because she missed us so much. Well that hasn't happened at all.

In fact quite the opposite has been true. When she gets a free moment in her day, or more likely, when we call her, she is bubbling over with joy. Not even a hint of sadness or I miss you guys so much. When pressed she will say she misses all of us (except for brother Clark), then she goes on to tell of shopping, sewing, fig-preserve making, reading, relaxing, staying up past her bed time, sleeping in late, and just having a great time. Too bad. Sure we have enjoyed a little extra quiet at our house, and taking care of 2 kids is easier than 3, but we are a family of 5 and when 1 is missing things just don't feel right. Poor Clark asks everyday where Ryleigh is and when he talks to her on the phone he asks her to 'stay in yours bed tonight Ryree'.

Wednesday night Clark kept asking for Ryleigh, so we would ask: Did we leave her at the restaurant? Nooo. Did we leave her in the car? Nooo. Did we leave her at church? Nooo. She'll be home soon and everything will be back to abnormal.

Friday, July 07, 2006

America the Beautiful