Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Silver Dollar City

The more we go to Silver Dollar City, the more I enjoy it, for a variety of reasons. Like the previous post with the cowboy riding the longhorn, everyhthing there seems to have a positive message, and often time a Biblical message. This cowboy talked about how unusual it was to saddle up a longhorn, but that is because of preconceived ideas of about what this animal can do. You work with it, train it, spend time with it, believe in it, and you never know what you can accomplish. He compared this to raising children and how we sometimes put unnecessary limits on what they can achieve. He quoted several scriptures (sadly I have forgotten them at this point), but he took what could have simply been a few roping tricks and delivered a message of encouragement and inspiration.

We also spent time watching the blacksmith slowly and patiently form an iron rod and shape it into a rose decoration. Clark and Ryleigh were by my side asking questions, and observing the care with which this man worked. Throughout the park we watched as craftsman carefully shaped whatever medium they chose from carpenters to glass blowers even the candy makers. They weren't on some assembly line cranking out as many pieces as they could, but with every swing of the hammer or pass of the saw blade they were investing a little bit of themselves into the final product.

Even driving to the park you notice something different. There is only a 2 lane road to get in and out of the park. They probably could have leveled a few more trees or blasted away some of the hills to turn more landscape into asphalt, but they chose to leave the scenery intact. Traffic moves slow because there is always a line, but you can watch the squirrels playing in the trees while you wait.

Finally, we were there for church of Christ weekend which means that some of the several of the standard musical acts throughout the park were replaced with vocal groups from churchs or Christian colleges around the region. My family really enjoys Disney World, and we were at Frontier City 2 weeks ago, but I have never heard "When We All Get to Heaven" sung at either of those places.

Don't get me wrong, we go for the funnel cakes, skillets, roller coasters (Fire in the Hole!), and log rides too, but it's great to step back in time a slower pace even if is just for a day or two.

Some more pictures:

In summary, throwed rolls, horse lady with horse who stared at Ryleigh everytime he came to a stop, precious, precious, Andrea reliving her youth, the flying sombraro, my boy and my oldest, and exhausted boy happy to be home.


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