Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

Friday, May 19, 2006

Back Row, Center

Clark at Sonshine School

Ryleigh at Kindergarten

As you can see, my children are carrying out a long standing (or should I say tall standing) family tradition. They are at the top of their classes, head and shoulders above the rest, and they will never know the view from the front row of a class picture.

Just like their parents and their Grandparents before them, Ryleigh and Clark were placed on the back row, center position. A spot reserved for the tallest children in the class. There are many benefits of being the tallest in the class aside from the obvious advantages in tetherball and basketball, but there are also added responsiblities.

I remember when I was in 4th grade, I was sent to the pricipal's office. While I was in Mrs. Wisley's office, our gym teacher and my basketball coach Mrs. Holt walked by and saw me sitting there. Later that day Mrs. Holt pulled me aside to talk to me about what I had done. After I tried to explain to her about the liberal agenda of my teacher and the media bias the led her to sending me to the office, Mrs. Holt related a story to me about the tallest boy in school, Roger Cooper.

Everyone looks up to Roger, she said. And of course I couldn't resist "they have to, he's the tallest one is school". No, she continued, they look up to him for his example. Being the tallest, you can't hide your actions. If you act out or get into trouble, everyone is going to see it. In a crowd he is the one that gets noticed. That is what concerned me about seeing you in the office this morning Blair. Because you are so tall, people take notice of what you do, how to act, and how you respond to certain situations. Like it or not, people will follow what you do, and you do not want them to follow you into the office.

So I have tried to impress upon Ryleigh and Clark the idea that being tall is a great blessing, you will stand out above the rest, and set the example for others to follow. Don't take that responsibility lightly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to say that the BEST is saved for back-row-center - several
generations, in fact.

Mom (Grammy) who was partially

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and what precious people the Holts were. I bet they never had a chance to stand back-row center, though, the little munchkins!

This blog brought back many fond


8:24 AM  

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